I won this book in a book giveaway hosted on Anu Reviews. I am so glad I participated. With so many good reviews, it took me almost two months to touch the book as I felt intimidated by the response it received. Would I be able to understand the way other understood? Social media, reviews are […]
Archives for March 2014
“In the Shoes of the Palestinians” El Huffington Post Article by Guillermo Fesser
Obama arrived in Jerusalem and shared, before a packed auditorium of youth, a concern that no president in the White House had dared to publicly mention before: “There will be no peace until you can put yourselves in the Palestinians’ shoes and try to see the world through their eyes.” This, which could have been […]
Interview with Slice Of Real Life Magazine
Michelle Cohen Corasanti debuted as an author with The Almond Tree, a take on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from different angles. Born and brought up in a Jewish home, she is familiar with the socio-political and socio-economic scenarios of Israel as well as Palestine. The novel The Almond Tree is a living account of her observations, experiences, memories and moments. […]
Michelle Cohen Corasanti Interview with The Author’s Blog
Hello Readers! We know it’s been some time since our last interview but you won’t regret the waiting once you hear whom we interviewed this time. Just stick to your seats and don’t jump out in amazement. So presenting, the one and only, MICHELLE COHEN CORASANTI author of the international sensation “The Almond Tree”. We know it’s a bit […]
Michelle Cohen Corosanti Interview with El Periodico Ocio y Cultura
Cometas en el cielo, de Khaled Hosseini, fue la inspiración que llevó a escribir a Michelle Cohen Corasanti, una judía norteamericana, de familia rica, liberal y fervientemente sionista, a quien sus padres enviaron a los 16 años a Israel para que sentara la cabeza pero que acabó convertida en una defensora de la causa palestina. […]
Michelle Cohen Corasanti Interview with Tarang Sinha
I can say that “The Almond Tree” was one of the best reads of 2013 for me. You can read my review HERE. It’s such a poignant and inspirational book! Here, I’m in conversation with “Michelle Cohen Corasanti” author of The Almond Tree. First of all, a very warm welcome to my blog. Thank you so much. I […]
Michelle Cohen Corasanti Interview with b00k r3vi3ws
Welcome to b00k r3vi3ws. It is a pleasure to have you here. What would you say the true essence of your book is? The true essence of The Almond Tree is that we should celebrate differences and find our common humanity. It’s about peace, love and tolerance. How do you think your education and your […]
Michelle Cohen Corasanti Interview with Business Talk India
This is the maiden novel of a Jewish New Yorker, Michelle Cohen Corasanti, titled: ‘The Almond Tree’. It is an epic novel, a drama of the proportions of The Kite Runner, but set in Palestine. A beauty. A story that grabs you from the first page and makes your heart go out to the Palestinians […]
Michelle Cohen Corasanti Interview with the Readdicts
Hello, everyone! In December 2013, I was lucky enough to get an opportunity to read author Michelle Cohen Corasanti‘s debut novel, The Almond Tree. It is an amazing read and my review of the book can be foundhere. The book ended up being one of the best books I read last year. We also hosted a giveaway for it which got over […]
Interview with Spanish Newspaper El Punt Avui